Monday, September 26, 2011

London Liz

Because I'm addicted to blogging, I often find myself spending hours on end blog browsing on the weekends.  I'll start by reading one of my faves, and then start clicking on people they're following, and so on and so forth.  During a recent stalk sesh, I stumbled upon a blog called One Twenty Five written by an amazing young woman named, Liz.  And, when I say amazing, I truly mean UH-MAY-ZING!

Clearly, I want you to click on the link and read all about her yourself and fall in love with her like I did; but in case you need a little push in the right direction, here's a short summary of why I think you should follow her:

She saw something she didn't like about herself, set some goals, and is now taking positive steps in the right direction in order to achieve them.  She isn't your typical thinspo girl who stops eating or eats the wrong foods as a means to get skinny.  She's beautiful and she's healthy.  She runs marathons for goodness sake... MARATHONS! Here I am super stoked that I'm running a half marathon in 6 days, and she runs fulls people!  FULLS! On top of her hard work and dedication, she's funny as hell.  She has a great sense of humor and you can tell in her writing--I love that.  She's someone who I think I could would be friends with if a) she didn't live in Canada, and b) didn't just move to Europe for however long she'll be there (my guess is she falls in love and never comes back!).

So there you have it peeps, your motivation for Monday.  The girl that just traveled to Berlin to run a marathon!  The girl who sets and accomplishes goals.  The girl who is real and has real expectations for life.  The girl who moves forward from set backs instead of giving in and giving up.  She's been my motivation for the past week, and will continue to be as I prepare for my half marathon in San Jose this weekend!

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